
Wednesday March 18th at 8pm  The dictionary defines trivia as “pieces of information of little importance or value”. For our March trivia night, we’ll be following this definition and abandoning all themes, pulling out our juiciest useless facts. Be prepared for questions on anything from peanut butter sandwiches to Ancient Greece to 80s rock bands....

Wednesday January 15, 8:00 pm. Part reality TV, part contest, the game show has held a place in popular culture since World War II. Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? If so, you need to come to game show trivia night or you will be in Jeopardy of a Family Feud. Free admission: The...

Wednesday November 20, 8:00 pm Walt Disney founded what is likely the largest cultural influencer of the past century. From Mickey to Simba and theme parks that are big enough to be seen from space, Disney has taken an oversized place in the collective imagination. Join us on the third Wednesday of November to test...

20th Century History Wednesday October 16, 8:00 pm, Free Admission Two decades into the current century we ask the rhetorical question: Does anyone still remember the world before the letter “i” was pasted at the front of our gadgets?. We’ll find out at our next trivia night.